Saturday, January 15, 2011

A thought!!

I needed to type this up after reading another friends blog: (yes Summer that would be yours)and since I do this mainly to show my kids later, I need to be better about putting things in here about them so they can look back later and read it.

Koye lately and I know it is only so he doesn't have to go to bed will always ask me to come say a prayer with him. He is the reason we have family prayer, I'm so thankful for that. I love Koye's prayers, short and sweet and down to the point, for example, "please bless my mom and dad with patience for Imree and please give me patience for my mom and dad" "please bless it that I can find my rock".. you know things like that. I love his prayers and yes they are very sincere and he always thanks his Heavenly Father for his blessings. He is a great little man and growing up fast. I couldn't imagine my life without him, even the days when he has his little tantrums!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. It made me smile. Kids are great and I love that you sharing not only for them, but with us your friends how special kids prayers really are. I think sometimes we forget how precious each little childs prayer really is no matter what they have stated. It seems to be more sincere and from the heart then many adult prayers.
