Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is it really worth it?

I hope everyone has had a great February.. and life is good!! I haven't been doing so great at keeping up on my blog or learning new things on it. But I wanted to write a little note. I have been studying for school and trying to work 36 hours a week and take care of kids, seriously why did I decide to go back to school? I am that retarded!! I guess I see my friends that have gone to college and have a degree and they seem so proper and smart and understand how life is suppose to be! Why can't I be like that without college, why do I need to go? Is it really worth it? I love my family very much and want to do whatever I can for them but am I doing the right thing by leaving them almost everyday to go to school? I'm not even in the program, what happens when I'm in the program? I will never see them and then they will be hurt, I will probably miss out on Kindergarten things for koye.. Seriously I am contemplating on finishing this semester and not my nursing degree.. Should I?
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