Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tender Heart

Koye is so sweet, on 6/26 our two puppies that were left had something very wrong with them. So Koye ran in the house and said a little prayer to help the puppies get better. Unfortunately, the puppies weren't going to make it, something either got them or they had something wrong with them, there are so many things that could have made them that sick so fast. Breaks my heart, how dumb, I'm 29 and I was crying my eyes out. Koye and Imree kept asking me what was wrong and telling me not to cry and hugging me. My kids might be really bad some days but they were the best kids ever! I love them so much. Koye was worried cause if Mac (our dog) doesn't get feeling better, she has also been sick but the vet said she has Mastitis, which is an easy fix, but now how fast and how sick the puppies got I'm thinking something else is going on. Anyway, Koye was worried because I was explaining to him that we may have to get rid of Mac if she doesn't feel better and he was so sad, he is such an animal lover and animals just love him. Those two little puppies just cuddled right up to him, he kept telling me how much they love him and that he wanted to keep them forever. He is so kind to animals, when he rides and the horse is being slow, he refuses to whip Sammy because it will hurt him. He is so tender hearted just like me (which by the way, is not a good thing). I later found out that my dad, who actually had to take care of the puppies went home upset and my mom was upset about them and Cain actually had tears in his eyes (don't tell him I told you that) but my kids are in so much trouble, hopefully somewhere they have a tough bone. Koye already gets his feelings hurt easy aaaahhh not sure what to do about that, I was the exact same way and still am! Anyway, we got rid of the dog house and all the crap in Mac's pen and she has been acting better, a little sad because her puppies are gone, but I think she will be alright with a bath and some fun, which means she can go run at my parents house!



Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moving on!!

Sometimes jealousy overcomes us and we hurt those we love the most. There are times people say things in the heat of the moment and we regret it right then. I'm sure we have all done it and if you haven't.... well you are better than most or don't realize that you HAVE done it.. When things happen a good friend will realize it was a mistake and move past it and still care. I believe people come into one anothers life, even if for a short period of time so that they can teach something to them like how to be a better friend, how to forgive, how to get happy again when life really sucks. Then the time comes for something to happen and you no longer need that person or they no longer need you. But who knows what will happen in a week, a month, a year or even 20 years, that person may come back to you so you can teach them something or vice versa. If this ever happens to me trust me I will be all ears and my heart will be open to anything they have to say!!

This song is by Jason Aldean, called.. See you when I see you... I love it!! 

 Let's don't say goodbye
I hate the way it sounds
So, if you don't mind
Let's just say for now

See you when I see you
Another place, some other time
If I ever get down your way
Or you're ever up around mine
We'll laugh about the old days
And catch up on the new
Yeah, I'll see you when I see you
And I hope its some day soon

God made this ol' world round
And maybe its that way so the paths we go down
Yeah, I will cross again some day
Some day I'll

See you when I see you
Another place, some other time
If I ever get down your way

Or you're ever up around mine
We'll laugh about the old days
And catch up on the new
Yeah, I'll see you when I see you
And I hope its some day real soon

I hope its some day soon

I'll see you when I see you
Another place, some other time
If I ever get down your way
Or you're ever up around mine, just stop by
We'll laugh about the old days
And catch up on the new
Yeah, I'll see you when I see you,
'til then my prayers are with you
And I hope its some day soon

I'll see you when I see you

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Smarty Pants

 Little miss Imree surprised me today, she is so stinking smart. I was tying her shoes this morning and she clapped her hands together and said ASH--LEE, two syllables! Um what, holy cow I haven't been teaching her that but Koye does that all the time, guess it pays to have a big brother teach you things sometimes. So thanks Koye!
 This was Koye after a bike ride we went on, it was maybe a mile. He was having so much fun but on the way back his tire went flat because of a goat head so we had to keep filling up his tire then he would peddle his little heart out until it went flat again.. He was so bummed out when we got home cause he didn't think he was going to be able to ride his bike anymore, well luckily we had some green goo crap and it fixed it right up.

This is him after Cain fixed his tire! WAY TO GO DAD!!  He is all smiles again!
 I was at the bank yesterday and Koye asked me, "Mom are we running out of money, cause your here a lot" just so you all know I am there every Monday or Tuesday and that is it!!
Imree was laughing her head off cause she was running under the tramp and her hair was way out of control!! Little stinker wouldn't let me get a decent picture! Koye has been quite a handful lately and he really really wanted to go to my mom and dads so in order for him to do that he had to pick a bucket of rock, he was doing really well and I was proud of him until I realized he was getting it from the driveway!! I honestly don't think I would have thought of that, I might have thought about finding the biggest rocks ever but probably not!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Koye started T-Ball this week and this kid can throw the ball like a champ. He loves playing and really enjoys everyone on his team. There is one little girl on his team that he went to pre-school with Maecie, this little girl is so stinkin cute. Actually every little girl on the team is super cute. I am just a little partial to Maecie because she use to help Koye well actually she would just write Koye's name for him in school. These kids are having a ball.

 Concentrating on getting his stance right to hit the ball (I need to help him a little)
 He is smiling the whole way to 1st base!! Cracks me up

 This is Maecie!! She is going to be a great softball player
 Imree was playing around in the dugout! Lovin Koyes hat

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Denny and Wendy blog

If any of you have the time take a look at this very special blog! It is amazing the trials some people go through and their strength to overcome them, their strength to move on and continue with life. A side note.. get some tissues, its a tear jerker!